Anybody else into The Diplomat with Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell? I couldn’t get enough of it.

On the show, it’s mentioned that five ambassadors to the UK became president. I admit — it stumped me. I knew one right off the bat, but the others…

Here they are. If you haven’t watched yet, memorize this list then wow your viewing partner by rattling it off when it comes up in the show.

You’re welcome.

Presidential Doodler

My handsome and dashing husband came up with the brilliant idea for this topic.

He says I never take his suggestions, but here we are.

5 Ambassadors to the UK Turned POTUS

1 // John Adams

Adams was our very first ambassador ever! To the Netherlands. The Dutch were the first to recognize us an independent country. Then he went on to become our first ambassador to Great Britain. He was there for nearly three years, trying to repair our damaged relationship.


2 // James Monroe

Monroe was appointed for diplomatic missions a bunch of times, serving in France twice (once to help Robert Livingston negotiate the Louisiana Purchase), Great Britain, and Spain (unsuccessfully trying to seal the deal with West Florida).

Thomas Jefferson sent Robert Livingston to France to help negotiate the Louisiana Purchase. Then he sent James Monroe, too.


3 // John Quincy Adams

  • In London when he learned his dad was elected. He wasn’t happy. He thought it would look like he only got his post because of his dad.

  • Married Louisa in London. He’s one of only two presidents with foreign-born wives. As far as I know, this is the only president married outside the U.S. If I’m wrong about that, please let me know. (Secretly hoping I’m wrong because that would be far more interesting than being right.)

  • Loved his life abroad… but when Daddy lost his reelection, he recalled JQA. Mom Abigail was thrilled. JQA was not.

doodle about John Quincy Adams time abroad


4 // Martin Van Buren

Matty Van was governor of New York for a hot second (well, a whopping three months). He then moved on to become Secretary of State for the newly inaugurated President Jackson. For a coupla years. He resigned due to messiness in the cabinet, led by John C. Calhoun. Jackson gave Van Buren an appointment to the UK. He was across the pond briefly, but then came home soon after… since his nomination was rejected. Shortly after he became vice president. Then president. His LinkedIn profile would indicate a lot of job hopping, but with an upward trajectory.


5 // James Buchanan

Before he was ambassador to the UK he was ambassador to Russia. Andrew Jackson chose that appointment because “it was as far as I could send him out of my sight… I would have sent him to the North Pole if we had kept a minister there.”

Andrew Jackson wishing he could have shipped James Buchanan to the North Pole instead of Russia

But wait! There’s more!

I’m working on a sortable collection of people with links to related blog posts. It’s incomplete and not impressive. Yet. But it’s a start! I have a slew of ambassadors already.

Or you can dig into these guys, who fall smack into the middle of the imaginary Venn diagram of “Presidents” and “Ambassadors to the UK.” This bunch is color-coded by party. Ain’t no party like a presidential party cause a presidential party don’t stop. Except maybe the Bullmoose Party. Or Whig Party. Etc. etc.



Yeah, that’s right. You could enjoy tea and finger foods in Robert Livingston’s garden. (Before Livingston worked with Monroe on the Louisiana Purchase, he swore George Washington into office.)

Morning Tea at Clermont Gardens
July 29 ❁ 10 AM – 12 PM
Clermont Walled Garden ❁ 1 Clermont Avenue ❁ Germantown, NY

Buy tickets or learn more.

Follow along on Instagram for more doodles and presidential trivia.

Heather Rogers, presidential doodler

I’ve read at least one book about every U.S. president, never tire of shoehorning presidential trivia into conversations, and am basically an expert at hiding mistakes in my sketchbooks.

New sticker! ✨


10 favorite things from my latest book